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Family Feud: 2012 Edition


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In the Family Feud: 2012 Edition video game, two families compete to guess the most popular responses from a survey of 100 people. Each round, a family member is asked to join the host to answer a question, and the first player to buzz in gets to give an answer. If their response isn't the number one answer, their opponent can try to guess it as well. The family can choose to "play" or "pass" - if they play, they have to guess all the answers, while if they pass, the other family tries to find them. The family with the most correct answers wins the round, but if they make three incorrect guesses, the other family gets a chance to steal points by finding a response not already given. The family with the most points then advances to the "fast money" round, where they must answer five questions twice. If they score 200 points or more, they win $20,000. The game features over 2,000 survey questions, three difficulty levels, and multiplayer modes for up to four players.

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