In Super Meat Boy Forever, Meat Boy and Bandage Girl, now seasoned parents to their adorable daughter Nugget, face their greatest challenge yet. After being brutally beaten by Dr. Fetus and having Nugget kidnapped, the duo must embark on a perilous quest to rescue their child from the clutches of the unhinged Dr. Fetus, a character as unsettling as he is eccentric. This sequel to the classic Super Meat Boy boasts an astonishing 7,200 handcrafted levels that combine dynamically to create a unique experience with every playthrough. With an unprecedented level of difficulty, the game promises a thrilling challenge that is both tough and fair. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl are more formidable than ever, unleashing the unbridled fury of parenthood to take down their enemies. The game's epic boss battles will leave you awestruck, and the stunning new art, with its meticulous detail and resolution, will transport you to a pixelated world of breathtaking beauty. The pulse-pounding soundtrack, composed by Ridiculon, is so intense that it's been banned in Wyoming due to concerns that it could trigger the dormant super volcano beneath Yellowstone, ushering in a new era of darkness. The game's frame-by-frame animations and emotionally charged cutscenes will leave you deeply invested in the story. A sweeping narrative that rivals the classics, Super Meat Boy Forever is an unforgettable experience that will leave you moved and eager for more.
10 January 2025
Release Date
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