In the year 2222, a post-apocalyptic world lies in ruin after the devastating "Tears of the New Moon" poisonous rain event decimated the human population. Those who survived have retreated to the underground city of Amasia, but one necessary resource remains scarce: AO Crystals. These rare and valuable crystals can only be found in the hazardous, pollution-choked environment outside. You'll take on the role of a "Drifter," venturing into this unforgiving landscape to gather AO Crystals and sell them to sustain the city's survivors. As you navigate the treacherous terrain, you'll pilot a heavily customizable vehicle known as the Cradle Coffin, which serves as your primary mode of transportation. When online, the game offers a unique blend of cooperative and competitive gameplay, where players on their own missions may cross paths, leading to tense encounters and unexpected confrontations with other Drifters. The world of Synduality: Echo of Ada awaits, filled with danger, discovery, and the pursuit of survival in a broken world.
15 January 2025
Release Date
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