In the shrouded streets of modern-day Seattle, set against the backdrop of the World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 emerges as a gripping sequel to the cult classic RPG. As a fledgling vampire, your existence sets off a catastrophic chain reaction, sparking a blood war among Seattle's ruling vampire factions. To navigate this treacherous landscape, you'll need to form tenuous alliances with rival factions, all while uncovering the intricate web of motives driving these supernatural players. With each fateful decision, the city's delicate balance shifts, forcing you to master the art of combat and stealth to survive. But beware: the Masquerade, the unyielding code of secrecy that conceals vampire society from human eyes, hangs precariously in the balance, awaiting your slightest misstep.
29 October 2024
Release Date
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